Dat gaat heel makkelijk en goed. Vanmorgen hebben we als team onze nieuwe online module ZOOM uitgebreid getest.
Onze conclusie: het werkt perfect! Dit videoplatform is heel gebruiksvriendelijk, het geluid is van uitstekende kwaliteit en het platform biedt tal van nuttige functionaliteiten, zoals in een echt trainingslokaal. En net zo interactief als tijdens een face-to-face training. We zijn erg enthousiast.
Veel cursisten volgen onze taaltrainingen sowieso al lang via een onlineverbinding. Die methode gebruiken we al jaren, en met veel succes. Start of vervolg uw training dus met een gerust hart. Gewoon vanuit uw eigen huis, al dan niet met uw collega-cursisten. Op uw laptop of tablet. Volgt u onze taaltraining in een groep? Op deze manier behoudt u het teamgevoel, ook in deze hectische tijden van het Corona-virus.
Reviews van onze cursisten:
I am a Talent Acquisition Manager, who moved to NL a couple years ago and Anneke has been my Dutch teacher for 6+ months now. Due to frequent business travels I could not attend all of my lessons in the office. Anneke suggested we set up online video training sessions/Curses via Video Call. With the camera on and a very interactive approach, it is working very well and turns out to be fun. My colleagues can also join virtually so we have our online lesson all together. This flexible approach truly allows me to keep on attending my lessons regularly, regardless of where I am located.
I work as Culture Manager for Merck in the Netherlands. With the new guidelines to work from home, it’s time to be creative and embrace the digital tools we have available. I had my first online class with Anneke yesterday and it was a great experience. This new setting actually empowered me to simulate a daily work situation – I made a presentation in Dutch for the first time! I am glad to share that this flexible approach allows me to continue improving my Dutch skills weekly, in a fun and interactive way.
I am a Data Scientist, who recently moved to NL and Anneke has been my Dutch teacher since last year August. Due to frequent business travels from my side I was missing out on a lot of lessons. Therefore, we tried out online video training sessions and I have to say it is really fun. All participants log in virtually via videocall and we just have an online lesson. For me this is a great possibility to keep on track and improve my Dutch skills, while fulfilling the requirements of my global role, and also it is a nice change from the day to day activities of my work life. As a data scientist languages are not my core strength and I am very glad that Anneke was so flexible in providing this opportunity.
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